Sunday, September 17, 2006

Photos of Philippe

Well, we are now home. Our first night was good as Philippe slept soundly all night 3 to 4 hours at a time. Yay! Everything is going smoothly: baby is feeding well, Mother is resting and starting to get up and about. I have been going a little bonkers trying desperately to get everything ready. I will be working half days from home for the next two weeks starting Monday so I have today to get things ready for Edith to be "on her own".

Edith and I have decided that we don't want to put any pictures of Philippe on the blog just yet. We feel funny about possible public consumption of the pictures and want to attempt to control who sees what. So, I've created a Flickr account which I will be using for now to post pictures. I've already invited some people but if you haven't received an invitation yet, don't worry it's just that I was lazy and only sent it out to those whose emails I knew by heart or had ready access (ie two clicks or less). If you want to access the pictures, please send me an email at
energium AT yahoo DOT ca (replace " AT " by "@" and " DOT " by ".")
and I will give send you an invitation to the email address of your choosing.

That's it for now, Edith and are going for a little walk just now with Philippe to get some fresh air and enjoy the lovely weather.

I will post more interesting stuff soon. I will try and get Edith to post a bit about her experiences at the hospital if she feels up to it.


Anonymous said...

Philippe is beauiful!

Enjoy your time. He will bring you much joy, one day at a time.

Live for today, tomorrow will come soon enough!

Carole Bays

Anonymous said...

C'est vrai qu'il est beau!!
Et dodu a souhait...

Vous avez l'air tres bien, papa et maman!! Edith, t'as meme pas l'air pockee de l'accouchement! Et Marc fait le papa tout fier...


Je vous envoie un petit quelque chose par la voie des airs, vous m'en donnerez des nouvelles!

Marie xxx

Anonymous said...

Allo Edith et Marc!
Bravo, bravo, c'est un beau bebe!
Je verifiais tous les jours mes e-mails cette derniere semaine pour voir si la grande nouvelle etait arrivee!
Bon courage pour les premiers mois, plein de bonheur a tous les 3, profitez, et mettez nous de nouvelles photos bientot!
Felicitations encore!
Carole, Yannick et les enfants

Anonymous said...

Merci pour les photos. Philippe est vraiment trop mignon! Bonne chance à vous 3. Famille Léger-Walravens

Anonymous said...

Je suis enchanté de voir votre chez-vous sur Internet, et d'avoir des nouvelles de vous.

Les photos sont épatantes!!!!

Papa xxx

Anonymous said...

Je viens de voir les photos!

La maternité te va bien, tu as l'air sereine!

Félicitations papa et maman,

Papa xx