I left work last night, thinking it will be at least 6 months before I go back. It felt stange! I'm not on holiday; I'm just at home, preparing for the arrival of our baby and the new adventure we're about to begin. Two weeks ago I was so tired, I wished I could quit work and spend the days sleeping. But in the last few days I realised the lifeI've been knowing for the past 8 years (since I graduated from Polytechnique) was almost over: I almost said "nooooo!" I'm not ready! What a weird idea to have a baby, what was I thinking!!! I'm really confused: one minute I'm very excited by everything that's going on and the next, absolutely scared about the birth and brining a new baby home. At the moment, I'm just really happy and at peace. I can't wait to see our little one's face and hear the first scream.
Funny how when something is changing, you realise you'll miss it (work). Well, that's my mood for now, it may be different in a few weeks / months. Marc seems to be preparing for the eventuality where I never want to go back. For the time being, I's impossible to imagine!
As the day progresses, it seems more and more normal to be here (at home) and enjoy the present moment. Not too sure what I'll do just now, maybe have a look at the veggie patch. I'll say goodbye with this picture, l'Atoll de Rangiroa - Polynesie Francaise, taken a few minutes before landing:
1 comment:
Faut pas être anxieuse! Tu vas vivre de merveilleux moments dans les prochains mois et t'en fais pas, tu y retourneras bien assez tôt au travail. A voir la dernière photo de ta bédaine, je crois que tu auras un garçon. Tu es très belle enceinte! Je suis contente de vous suivre sur votre blog. Je ne crois pas que tu reçoives mes emails, à moins que ce ne soit moi qui ne reçoive pas les tiens?
Prends bien soin de toi, Valérie F.
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