Monday, July 30, 2007

Hello, Hello!

It's been a while - again! Here are a few updates:

  • PP365: I've added more photos. They range from April 5th to May 13th, our trip overseas. I'm missing a few days (end of March and early April) as the photos are on a CD somewhere... I'll keep doing the project but I no longer take photos daily, more weekly. I also want to start putting movies on YouTube but you know how it is, I've got no excuse, really...
  • Return to work: It feels great to be working again! I spend 2 days at home with Philippe, he goes to day care for 2 days and stays with Marc on Fridays. We all have a good time with this new routine now that Philippe has settled into day care. He wasn't too keen at first and spent 2 weeks in the first four being sick (gastro and cold) and missing out but he's fine now. My favorite day is Friday since as the boys stay home, I can head off early and spend a lot of time on my own before meetings start. I've had lunch with my friend Mel last week and she said it was the first time in 10 months she saw me without the baby. Exactly!
  • Going Out: We went to the Zoo last weekend. It was the first time in 2 monts we drove somewhere not for work or running errands in the weekend. We really have to get a life! Any suggestion for a family activity for next weekend?
  • The computer: Turns out the video card was broken. Now that's it's been repaced by the Sys Admin (Marc) I hope to be a little more regular in giving you some news. Next step: a photo selection from our trip on Flickr.
  • Veggie Patch: In Australia you can have a winter garden. Except this year it's been so cold, nothing grows. Tiny spiders are eating the broccoli leaves and possums are eating the whole plants. With a bit of luck we might get a few leeks and some broad beans.
That's it for now! If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, enjoy summer! Talk to you later, Edith xx

Monday, July 02, 2007

Lurker Alert

There is a lurker among us and he knows how to Google.

I can see you watching us!!!! Show yourself.