Friday, September 22, 2006
Philippe takes a bath
The Shadow of the Wind
Daniel meets and befriends a mysterious homeless man who goes by the name of Fermin Romero de Torres. Daniel introduces the man to his Father and they end up adopting him and taking him on as hired help in the book store. Fermin is overwhelmed by their generosity and becomes their most loyal supporter and friend. Meanwhile, Fermin has fallen well and truly in love with Bernarda, the maid of another book store owner and begins considering the possibility of becoming a father himself. One day in the book store, Fermin asks Daniel (and this is the point of this post):
‘May I ask you a personal question, Daniel?’
‘Of course.’
‘I beg you to answer in all frankness,’ he said, and he cleared his throat. ‘Do you think I could ever be a father?’
He must have seen my puzzled expression, and he quickly added, ‘I don’t mean biologically – I may look a bit rickety, but by good luck
‘A good father?’
‘Yes. Like yours. A man with a head, a heart, and a soul. A man capable of listening, of leading and respecting a child, and not of drowning his own defects in him. Someone whom a child will not only love because he’s his father but will also admire for the person he is. Someone he would want to grow up to resemble.’
‘Why are you asking me this, Fermin? I thought you didn’t believe in marriage and families. The yoke and all that, remember?’
Fermin nodded. ‘Look, all that’s for amateurs. Marriage and family are only what we make of them. Without that they’re just a nest of hypocrisy. Garbage and empty words. But if there is real love, the sort you don’t go around telling everyone about, the sort that is felt and lived…’
‘You’re a changed man, Fermin.’
Monday, September 18, 2006
Our walk in the paddock

This little chick was perfectly still and nearly invisible until you were right up on it. In fact, if I had not been scrutinising the ground in an attempt to find it, I never would have seen it and could very well have stepped on it. Terrapine walked right by about 2 metres away and never had a clue it was there. That's effecient camouflage.
I took a few pictures, admired the marvels of nature and then left the poor trembling chick alone.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Photos of Philippe
Edith and I have decided that we don't want to put any pictures of Philippe on the blog just yet. We feel funny about possible public consumption of the pictures and want to attempt to control who sees what. So, I've created a Flickr account which I will be using for now to post pictures. I've already invited some people but if you haven't received an invitation yet, don't worry it's just that I was lazy and only sent it out to those whose emails I knew by heart or had ready access (ie two clicks or less). If you want to access the pictures, please send me an email at
energium AT yahoo DOT ca (replace " AT " by "@" and " DOT " by ".")
and I will give send you an invitation to the email address of your choosing.
That's it for now, Edith and are going for a little walk just now with Philippe to get some fresh air and enjoy the lovely weather.
I will post more interesting stuff soon. I will try and get Edith to post a bit about her experiences at the hospital if she feels up to it.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Bienvenue au monde Philippe!
Notre adorable bébé Philippe est venu au monde lundi le 11 septembre 2006 très précisément à 12h33. Il pesait 3710 grammes (8 livres et 3 onces pour les anciens) et mesurait 50 cm. J'ai ressenti le plus grand bonheur de ma vie en mettant moi même mon fils au monde. Edith qui a travaillé comme une championne va bien mais elle est très fatiguée comme vous pouvez vous l'imaginer. Nous pensons renter à la maison samedi et nous vous écrirons un post plus détaillé avec photos.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
First Day at Home
Funny how when something is changing, you realise you'll miss it (work). Well, that's my mood for now, it may be different in a few weeks / months. Marc seems to be preparing for the eventuality where I never want to go back. For the time being, I's impossible to imagine!
As the day progresses, it seems more and more normal to be here (at home) and enjoy the present moment. Not too sure what I'll do just now, maybe have a look at the veggie patch. I'll say goodbye with this picture, l'Atoll de Rangiroa - Polynesie Francaise, taken a few minutes before landing:

Friday, September 01, 2006
Sept 1st, Australian Spring is here