Sunday, August 10, 2008

Game Over

I miss my family. I miss my friends from high school and my university years (from Quebec and Europe) and now my friends from Hobart. People I care about I normally communicate with over the phone, the email or Facebook, so it's a bit useless to keep this diary. All it's used for is to feed a psycho's fake public profile in Facebook anyway. It's a public website, so I can't complain, right?

The blog sucks. I'm sick of it.
This is my last post. Good bye!


Anonymous said...

Allo Edith,

Je viens juste de lire ton message. Je te comprends que tu t'ennuies de beaucoup de monde mais nous sommes tous en pensée avec toi. J'ai bien hâte d'être parmi vous pour échanger plus intimement.
Je t'embrasse maman xxx

Anonymous said...

That's too bad. I just discovered your post on the 27th of Aug.

After you think about it some more, repost. Maybe we can catch up for a fish. I live in Dblvw