Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fatty Aussies

This is official, Australia is now the fattest nation in the world with 26% of the adult population being obese. It was all over the news last week and this is what I saw on TV. Who would have thought the Americans could be beaten on the disease they invented???

This is almost unbelievable when you think about it. 9 million Australians are over-weight, of which 4 million are obese. This is making me sick, even though I know it's not a simple issue... I cannot imagine how all these people feel. I now carry an extra 11 kilos being pregnant and I feel huge and heavy, most night (not to say all) I'm exhausted at bedtime. I puff when I climb the stairs and I struggle to carry Philippe over 50 meters (he's nearly 13 kilos now). How could I weight twice as much as that and live freely?

How about a swim this afternoon and a salad with those pork chops? (Marc you know what we're having for dinner!)

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