Up to $19.99 a kilo!!!! That means I payed $4.65 for a banana when I realllllly wanted one. It was a few months ago, after Tropical Cyclone Larry hit Australia. The cyclone hit Queensland, where all the Australian bananas grow. It destroyed, amongst other places, Mission Beach, where we went on holiday with Marie-Eve and Steve last year, and all the banana crops. They started importing some from overseas but they wouldn't taste the same and they were bloody expensive. I no longer cook my banana bread to bring at the office - not that I go anyway. The price is now down to $5 a kilo, which still makes it over $2 a pound. But when you think about it, it's a question of choice: how much would you pay for a cocktail? A banana is much better for you.
P.S. New photos on my PP365. Success of the day: Philippe went to bed without a tear! I'm off to bed.
Tu dis avoir ajoute de nouvelles photos sur PP365??
Moi je n'ai rien de neuf depuis le 24 novembre. Franchement, c'est decevant!!!
Marie xxx
A part de ca, c'est pas mal anglo votre blog. Moi ca va, mais y'en a que ca choque...
Ouais, je sais. Il y a un probleme avec mon upload de photos. Je l'ai deja fait 4 fois, mais ca ne marche toujours pas. Je recommence...
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