Last Saturday, a couple hours before our visitors arrived. Thank god there are 3 of us to look after the house and Philippe or how would it look like??? Let's face it: we're not exactly on top of things! What are we doing all day? Well, I'm mainly feeding Philippe or trying to catch up on sleep, Yolande looks after the kitchen 3 times a day (cooking and cleaning), while Marc runs around, organising the veggie patch and giving Terrapine a hard time because she keeps brining back some dead bunnies on the door step! So the new baby is keeping us all busy!
The paediatrician said not too think logically or try to establish some paterns. Absolutely right, go figure why Philippe will eat every 2 hours and then sleep for 5 hours... Anyway, we got lucky on Saturday, he was sleeping so we manage to get the place cleaned before the visitors arrived! Felt really good!
Samedi dernier, quelques heures avant l'arrivée de Micheal, le cousin de Marc. Heureusement, nous sommes 3 à s'occuper de Philippe et de la maison, je me demande de quoi ça aurait l'air! On n'est pas encore tout à fait en contrôle. En général, je nourris Philippe ou je sieste pour ratrapper le sommeil perdu la nuit, Yolande s'occupe de la cuisine 3 fois par jours et Marc cours partout, dans le jardin ou à chicaner Terrapine qui passe son temps à nous livrer des lapinots morts sur le pas de la porte! On ne flâne pas vraiment...
Le pédiâtre avait raison: il ne faut pas utiliser la logique pour comprendre l'horaire d'un bébé naissant, chaque journée est différente. Samedi on a eu de la chance, Philippe a fait un long dodo et on a réussi a tout nettoyer avant l'arrivée de la visite. Ah, ça fait vraiment du bien!
Don't try to do too much big wheel, your house looks perfect and is it a Prius I see in the driveway?
Well, it may LOOK perfect, you would not say the same thing
Yes, it's a Prius... borrowed from Marc's work, because he's acting Manager at the moment and managers have a car in their salary package.
We went for a ride not long ago, really quiet! And a neat LCD screen to show you all sorts of stuff about the petrol and electric engines, and which runs when, etc. Gismo, but fun anyway! I don't think we would buy one yet, but theu should get better and more affordable in a couple years.
What the heck!?! Cannot finish a sentence. That must be the sleep deprivation!
I meant: if you could see the cat hair and the dust all over the place! (But it's only the up-tight me talking -- there are more important things in life).
You want dust bunnies, come to our place. Our cat Mao is a cat hair spewing machine. I'm getting a cleaner this week, enough of this shit.
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