Where can I start? I'll be 37 weeks through my pregnancy tomorrow. This means, theoretically, only 22 days before the baby arrives. I feel enormous and I'm getting quite restricted in certain movements, but apart from that, I feel great! Marc has at least one good laugh a day: when I get out (or try to get out) of bed in the morning. Don't laugh, it's not funny turning a 10 kg belly around! - actually, it is! What else? Oh yes: colleagues usually find it funny if I drop something on the floor. But there's always someone kind enough to pick it up for me. Well, good incentive never to become obese!
Here is a photo of me, taken a week ago. You must admit I don't look that pregnant:

Now, have a look at this one, taken 30 seconds later:

Impressive, isn't it? Marc and I both have a feling it's a baby boy, probably because we call it le bébé. Or maybe it's all those kicks in the ribs, and huge tidal waves through my belly during meetings when I wear stretchy tops. No one has ever noticed or admitted to noticing, but I'm still getting paranoid! So, what do you think: boy or girl? Use the comments section to tell us.
Choosing a name is quite a challenge given the dual-citizenship, bilingual background the baby will have. Must spell the same in English and French, sound OK in both, and what about family name: between the 2 of us, we have 3 last names! I think we'll take the baby name book with us to the hospital. One thing for sure: you won't know the name before the baby's born. Tell me how you chose your chilren's names. Any interesting stories?
I'm sure it's a baby boy, considering your family history (many sisters, only one brother) I might be wrong. A healthy baby is all that matters, boy or girl: it's all gravy.
I love your blog and I read it everytime there's a new post (RSS feeds are brilliant) and no, I don't live in a trailer yet. You're one to talk: directly from the land of Kath & Kim. Showcase (Canadian cable TV) pulled the series off the air, I'm so mad!
Let me dissociate myself from any smart ass comment you might get on your blog! (Marc an I are both reviewing it on a regular basis).
Be assured any funny lines will be from Marc's australian genes... i'm the nice one!
I resent that previous comment. My ass is not smart.
Edith you look great! If this baby is a girl, she will be a strong healthy, don't mess with me type of girl! Send Lynda your phone number...she wants to talk to you. Also she says to wait til Oct 5th to give birth. Since it is her birthday!
Take care
Carolebays and BAys family
The baby name is very important, it's with them the rest of their life. I have three girls...Danica meaning the morning star, she was born at 10 am and she is a star. Sacha...the helper of mankind. Very true to her name. Anna...I gave up and let Patrick decide. That's how we picked our babies names.
Carole Bays
super belles photos
une fille ou un gars, c'est le plus beau cadeau de la vie.
Le 27 aout 93 Léa est arrivée dans ma vie Elle me fais vivre depuis ce jour beaucoup de beau moments...
Maintenant pour son prénom J'avais 3 choix Sarah, Léa et Mia Semblerait que les prénoms terminant en A son des Noms D'Amour. Et Dieu sait que je l'aime.
Mais si s'avait été un petit garcon
Viictor, Léo ou Emile pas de A Avec ou sans A Je l'aurai aimé `la folie...
Chose que je sais vous aller des parents merveilleux.
P.S. Mon feeling me dit que se sera un petit garcon
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