I took this photo on my first walk on the beach after we got back from Canada. I realised I really missed the place where I live while I was away. I just feel so good being close to the sea, feeling the energy and the sound of the waves. This place is magical. I couldn't leave right now.
Then we settled back into routine again and I couldn't help to think the trip had gone by to quickly: I haven't seen everyone I wanted to see, I wish I spent more time with my Mom and Dad, etc. I really miss them at the moment, and the rest of the family and some of my best friends as well. I can't see my nephew and niece grow up, I don't chat with Val anymore, I won't see Annie's daughter Aude before she's a toddler...
So home is where the heart is. But where is the heart??? I don't really know. Maybe I could move to an island in the Pacific (half-way between the 2) but that wouldn't help.
Apparently there's been an underwater earthquake somewhere near Indonesia. Not sure as I don't follow the news. But guess what? We've been having a high tide for 3 days now! We could hardly get home as the sea is getting on the road (on the neck to the peninsula) and yesterday as I went for a beach walk with Philippe, the beach was gone, replaced by raging waves and wind. There was 1 meter left between the water and the sand dune. That's where I walked for a while before the water raised even higher and I had to climb my way up the dune. with the pram. Meanwhile Philippe was asleep, deep into the arms of Morphee.
Is this it? Is Global Warning (no typo here) happening just now? We've been saying it for a while but it just suddenly became a lot more real: I'm not buying a house ON the beach.
Hey sad clown, turn that frown upside down. Be a citizen of the world and make your home wherever you want it to be. You both have amazing jobs, you're smart, adaptable, well-travelled and have a great lifestyle. If you miss Canada, come back for a while but remember how much you've grown to love Australia. I know it's tough, I'm not sure what to do about Saskatchewan. Life comes cheap here and I often wonder: would it make a big difference if my "9 to 5" life was in London, Wellington or Vancouver? No, I don't think so. Does it matter that Saskatchewan is a little backwards? No, I have a five-minute commute to work and I can enjoy my weekends. Where I get depressed is when we have a long week-end. There's nothing to do here. Wait a second, this was not supposed to be about me. I'm a jerk. Sorry.
Don't get sad, you're doing the right thing. You're home because you have Marc and your son. If home is starting to feel like, well, not home: move! You'll be fine Edith.
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