Saturday, February 03, 2007

What a great birthday!

I should have posted that a week ago and it's getting a bit old, but I want to share it so here it is!

January 25th was my birthday. Marc invited some friends for drinks after work. I was so excited: First time I was going out since Philippe was born, first time I intended to have more than 1 glass to drink in 13 months!!!! And so many grown-ups I hadn't seen in ages...

A lot of people turned up: Andrew & Selina, our first friends in Hobart and fellow bush-walkers; Mel, good friend and colleague and now neighbourg; Chu, former colleague and now good friend, Greg, Gerrard and Manny, 3 colleagues I enjoy(ed) working with; and Ruth, who made it from Canberra for the week-end.

I had a great time! The kir royal (plural!) certainly helped, but it was more the fact that I realised I made really good friends in Australia and I miss them when they're not around. It will be a birthday to remember. Marc, thank you for organising and driving. Je t'aime.

I miss my Montreal friends a lot too. I hope to see many of them in April... I should email them as it seems not many people read that blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

En effet, tu sonnais un peu pompette au téléphone...

À de-plus-en-plus bientôt!!!

Marie xxx